Semester Logistics and Guidelines

The Data Mine Corporate Partners Program has continued to grow thanks to wonderful partners!

As our program continues to grow, we continue to make changes to automate processes and complete work efficiently. Below you will find some of the changes for Spring 2024.

Mentor Syllabus

Important Due Dates



First day of Spring 2024 class

Mon, 1/8

MLK Day (No CRP meetings/classes)

Mon, 1/15

Mid-semester Feedback from Mentors and TAs

Due Wed, 3/6 by 11:59 PM ET

Symposium Draft Video and Poster

Due Wed, 3/6 by 11:59 PM ET

Spring Break (No CRP meetings/classes)

Wed, 3/11 - Sat, 3/16

The Data Mine Symposium

Wed, 4/24

Final Feedback from Mentors and TAs

Due Friday, 4/26 by 11:59 PM ET

Last day of Spring 2024 classes

Sat, 5/4

Final exam week (No CRP meetings/classes)

Mon, 4/29 - Sat, 5/4

Student Syllabus: Spring 2024 syllabus

Spring 2024 Academic Calendar : 2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Team Platform: Microsoft Teams

Teams will be moving from Slack to Microsoft (MS) Teams.

MS Teams can host meetings, files, a team calendar, notebooks, links to The Examples Book and assignments, task dashboard(s), and so many more features.

Data Mine staff will handle member management of teams. If you have concerns about your team management, please speak to your Corporate Partner Liaison.

Email Lists

MS Teams automatically creates email lists which can be used to send things to an entire team. These will be shared as soon as each Team is created.

You will not have to create your own list.


You can see all members of your team in MS Teams; this list can act as your roster.

You can view members of your team by selecting the following: (i) clicking on your team (ii) selecting the 3 dots next to the team name (iii) selecting manage team (iv) clicking on the Members and guests drop down. Here you can see the student names, emails, and role on the team as "member."

Disclaimer: The roster may continue changing till registration closes, on January 16, for the students. Movement should settle down during week 1.

NDA Signing Process

The NDA signing process takes about 1-2 weeks. This past Fall we have decided to have students sign NDA via DocuSign during their first or second week of labs to streamline the NDA signing process.

Please be patient with us as we make sure students have completed their NDA to access your data.

Data Sharing

We strongly encourage you to NOT share your data the first or second week of the semester. We want to make sure NDAs are signed.

What should I do instead sharing data immediately?

We strongly encourage you to DO the following.

  1. Get to know your team! It is really helpful to know each member on your team. Get to know what drives them, what kind of support they may need, learn about their experiences. Mentoring is a two way street; maybe you can learn something new from your team.

  2. Focus on the project scope and make sure everyone understands what is being asked. This will help keep the project on track. One way to make sure all student understand is by asking everyone to describe your team project in two sentences or less in their own words. This can help you, as a mentor, identify what students think is important about your project and areas that may be over looked.

  3. Domain/background. Students are different ages with different experiences. Providing readings or topics of research will help the students better understand the project scope or process. This step is valuable when you publish as well. Students can document what they learn in their bi-weekly documentation assignment.

  4. Outline the processes or tools your team is interested in using. Then when the team dives into the data there is already a plan in place. The students should also add the process and tools to the documentation they complete.

Meeting Time Blocking

Please please please remember to block your meeting time with your team on your schedule weekly.

Mentors have a 50 minute meeting with their team each week to complete Sprint Planning or a Sprint Review. These are great opportunities to learn about what the team has completed or cover anything with the team as a whole. We want to make sure our wonderful mentor, you, are there to provide guidance, domain expertise, and feedback on your project’s progress. It is recommended to book a full hour for this meeting in case there are questions at the end or the meeting runs a little late.

You can find your project time in your project description which can be found on our Projects Page.

Anvil Access

If you are hosting your data on Purdue HPC Anvil and would like an account, please follow the link below to set up an account.

Account on Purdue HPC Anvil If you plan on hosting your data at Purdue, we will be using Anvil. You can link: up an account here].

More questions?

Please check out the resource pages provided or contact your Corporate Partner Liaison. We are happy to help and answer any questions you may have!